- English
- 日本語
My name is Mark Wijeyratne and I was an exchange student at Tokyo International University in 2006.
I have been fascinated by Japan since I saw some photos of my grandfather from one of his many trips to Kyoto and Tokyo from the 60s. Kyu Sakamoto’s Sukiyaki was often played when I was a child and is still one of my favourite songs.
I was pursuing my Bachelors in Sociology at Linnaeus University in Sweden. In my 3rd year of Academic studies, I got the opportunity to take a full-term abroad. After reviewing all the different exchange program options, TIU was my first choice.
I wanted to learn Japanese and Political science. I was also quite fascinated by the history of post-war Japan and the great economic recovery that took place from the 60s to the 80s, making Japan a true powerhouse of Asia.
I was very fortunate with my choice and I have some amazing memories from my time at the University. I was quite impressed with how well-organized it was from start to finish. The teachers were great, as were my friends.
I still remember the first time I had to introduce myself in Japanese in an auditorium of host families and fellow exchange students for the first time. I had never spoken Japanese before. I was so nervous!
I also remember the times when we used to go to Karaoke after school and trying to use the Japanese to order things. Eating okonomiyaki for the first time!
I loved my stay in Japan with my host family, whom I am still in close contact with. I consider them my family and we have been visiting each other ever since. My Okaasan took very good care of me and her food was amazing. My host brother was truly a brother. We have a lot of similar interests such as martial arts, history, and politics. One of the books I received from him is Bushido-the soul of Japan. It is still one of my favourite books.

(TIU Days with International friends in 2006) | (Business trip to Tokyo. Visited and stayed with my homestay family in Kawagoe in 2019) |
Across Europe and Asia in the technology sector working for multinational companies.
Since I left University, 15 years ago, I have been fortunate to have a progressive career in international sales and marketing across Europe and Asia in the technology sector working for multinational companies. I have been working across Sweden and Singapore and responsible for global sales.

(KL converge ITC event in KL, together with CEO of Telecom Malaysia and CEO of ACASIA, in 2016)

(KL converge-ITC event in KL in 2016)
I really enjoyed the time I got to meet fellow TIU alumni.
Nine of those years were spent in Singapore.
This is where I first heard about the TIU international community through Ochiai San. The first time we were in touch I was with HAYS executive search as Managing Consultant for the Telecom sector. Ochiai San who manage same recruitment industry is a fantastic, competent leader. I liked him immediately and his open spirit.
Ochiai San introduced me to the TIU community and I was pleased to get in touch with the all members.
I really enjoyed the time I got to meet fellow TIU alumni. At some occasions I invited some of my clients to dinners hosted by the TIU. The exchange is very good with a great experience for all.

(Christmas dinner with TIU Alumni in 2016)
TIU and Japan has had very positive impact in our lives.
Now I am back in Sweden, closer to my family. Here in Sweden, we have a community of ex TIU students who I keep in touch with. Many of us talk about our time together at the university and also how we have evolved as individuals ever since then. It is clear to all of us that our time at TIU and Japan has had very positive impact in our lives.
In my current role I am responsible for Sales and Marketing at a Swedish Risk and Compliance software company. We support large Enterprise customers and Governmental Organizations across Northern Europe with their Enterprise Risk initiatives.

(Now I work at Swedish Risk and Compliance software company)
Personal motto: ”Sipping the nectar of life”.
This is a motto that is close to my heart, it is actual a very old quote and I am not sure who it originates from. This is what it means to me; it is in human nature to plan and aspire for more. It is more important to live in the moment and sip the nectar of life; enjoy the moment for what it is and the plans life has for one. natural but it can also create pressure to always achieve things when striving for more. It is more important to live in the moment and sip the nectar of life; enjoy the moment for what it is and the plans life has for one.

(To left, my wife and daughter. To right, my parents and I visiting my sister in New York in 2019)
祖父が60年代からの京都や東京などを何回も旅行した時の色んな写真を見ていたことで、私は日本に魅了されました。坂本九のSukiyaki Songは子供の頃によく演奏されていて、今でも好きな曲のひとつです。

(TIU Days with International friends in 2006) | (Business trip to Tokyo. Visited and stayed with my homestay family in Kawagoe in 2019) |

(KL converge ITC event in KL, together with CEO of Telecom Malaysia and CEO of ACASIA, in 2016)

(KL converge-ITC event in KL in 2016)

(Christmas dinner with TIU Alumni in 2016)
今、私はスウェーデンに戻り、親戚家族の近くに住んでいます。ここスウェーデンには、私が連絡を取り合っている元TIU学生のコミュニティがあります。大学で一緒に過ごした思い出の時間と、卒業してから私たち個々人がどのように邁進してきたかなどについて話しをしています。 TIUと日本で過ごした時間は、私たちの生活にポジティブ・インパクトを与えてもらったことは、私たち留学生にとって明らかなことです。

(Now I work at Swedish Risk and Compliance software company)
これは私の心の中のモットーですが、実際には非常に古い引用であり、それが誰からのものかはわかりません。これは私自身 にとっては意味のあるものです。より多くのことを計画し、熱望することは人間の本質です。それは当然のことですが、それはまた、より多くを目指して努力するときに常に物事を達成するというプレッシャーを生み出す可能性があります。その瞬間に生き、人生の蜜を飲むことがより大事なことです。それが何であるか、そして一回しかない人生設計のための瞬間を楽しみましょう。

(To left, my wife and daughter. To right, my parents and I visiting my sister in New York in 2019)
Mr. Mark Wijeyratne‘s Professional Career:
(Mark Wijeyratneさんプロフィール)
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