- English
- 日本語
Rahul Gupta (Graduated in 2020, Faculty of International Relations, Exchange Student at Sciences Po France in 2018)
The Early Story on Why Japan and Personal Goals with a Twist
My initial goals in life were to be a foreign diplomat, to speak several languages. I first visited Japan whilst I was serving my National Service. I was there on holiday for a week with my mum. The trip was an eye opener, I remember how kind the Japanese people were, with the strong community spirit and warm people. A quick story I recall: I was once lost at a train station and had no clue on what to do next. This was me trying to plan my return transport from Ueno station to Narita Airport. I remember a Japanese person coming up to me and telling me he spoke English and I could approach him if I needed any assistance. This kind-spiritedness and proactive spirit spoke volumes about the Japanese people. This was one of the many actions that led me to decide in going back to Japan to pursue my tertiary education. My goal in life was to be a foreign diplomat, to speak several languages and to focus on Japan, to be a bridge between Singapore and Japan, contributing on the culture aspects of both nations.
My college journey started in Takushoku University, a university I was introduced through a mutual acquaintance I met in Singapore. I did my language studies in gaining deeper understanding on the writings of Kanji, and Japanese grammar and vocabulary. After spending slightly more than a year in that institution, I managed to get my N2 Japanese language proficiency. Still worried about my Japanese level, I carried on with my Japanese language studies even after I joining as a undergraduate at Takushoku University. I had always endeavored to study my undergraduate in Japanese language. The difficulties in reading, and writing Kanji, and my quest for a global, all rounded education led me to consider switching majors, from Japanese/Chinese to International Relations. By studying international relations, I also felt that I was getting one step closer to goal of becoming a foreign diplomat.
Key Milestones in my Journey as a Student in Tokyo International University
Entered TIU’s New English Track Program majoring in International Relations.
My journey started the moment I got my place at TIU, this was in the spring of 2017.I had looked up for several universities, but when I was accepted into TIU’s English Track Program majoring in International Relations, I straight away made the change. Some of the reasons that attracted me to the university, was the global faculty at the Strategy Center. I would be able to engage not only Japanese minds but also professors from all over the world on a wide range of international issues. The second reason that made me attracted to the university was that it had a very global student population. I had always wanted to learn and make friends from different countries. The experience of being in a international setting allowed me to not only interact and discuss with my peers, but to appreciate the sensitivities attached to different cultures. I coming from Singapore, a country which is multi-cultural, where people of different races and religions, cultures reside, made my experience in TIU feel like home.

A French Sojourn: Studying at Sciences Po in France
My time at TIU gave me several opportunities. My first two semesters started well and where I was learning the basics of international relations. Slowly as time passed, my results came out and I was given a JASSO scholarship to study in Sciences Po, a renowned institution in Rennes, France for the study of government and politics. I started for a year from January 2018 for one year. There I learnt in depth about the underpinnings of French society, the history, the wars, public diplomacy, the values that French strongly believe in: freedom of speech. I also spent my evenings learning at a separate university: CIREFFE Universite Rennes 2; where I studies French Language and Culture. I spent summer doing intensive French Language Courses there.

Experienced two Internships globally and within Japan.
Second, in my sophomore year, I had the opportunity to do two internships at a local agency. This agency helped Japanese and foreign students secure jobs and internships both globally and within Japan. I spent some time learning about Japanese business manners, reacting in formal settings, and the nitty gritty when handling Japanese clients, both during meetings, via email, phone and in official and unofficial settings. The internship experience sparked an interest within me to dive deeper into the business underpinnings of Japanese society. The second internship was one that I found through the Singapore Students Association of Japan. https://door-to.asia/ For more information, please refer to the link.
Connected in global alumni club (Kasumikai) in Singapore.
Third, the university also connected me with its global alumni in Singapore. On some visit back home, I had the opportunity to Attend a get together. Picture is Ochiai sans to birthday celebration at the Tanglin Club with TIU Alumni members. TIU name’s reputation is getting better in Singapore and stronger in overseas network, especially in SE Asia.

Working in Japan and Singapore
Talent Sourcer, Global Talent Acquisition Team, Unity Technologies Singapore
I am a currently a Talent Sourcer partnering closely with technology professionals and key business stakeholders to source for top level tech talent in Singapore, Japan and Korea.
Currently as a in house Talent Sourcer, I am supporting the hiring of high-level tech talent for Unity Technologies. Some of the key roles that I am working on include but not limited to Developer Support Engineers, Developer Relations Engineers, Game Developers, Game Engineers, Unity Developers, Project Managers, Program Managers, Customer Success Engineers, Partner Relations Engineers, Software Engineers positions in which many of our engineers help our customers with their game development journey from various angles.
Unity is the world’s leading platform for creating and operating real-time 3D (RT3D) content. Creators, ranging from game developers to artists, architects, automotive designers, filmmakers, and others, use Unity to make their imaginations come to life. Unity’s platform provides a comprehensive set of software solutions to create, run and monetize interactive, real-time 2D and 3D content for mobile phones, tablets, PCs, consoles, and augmented and virtual reality devices.
If you are Customer-Centric/Obsessed, tech-savvy, and passionate about the future of gaming, AR, VR, 3D, digital twin. Please feel free to connect with me or visit our latest available job openings!
If you or any of your friends are interested, I will be happy to have quick chat to see how to chart you career. Feel free to reach out!

The Future
I want to make use of the knowledge I have gotten whilst studying at TIU, to connect more people from the E Track Community to the Alumni in different parts of the world. With the advent of social media, and the many channels we have now to e – meet each other, we can connect with many more people, create many more global and local communities. Going forward, the mission would be many more alumni should get connected with their counterparts in globally and enhance the interactions and communications across the board. With this we will see a birth of an active university alumni community, which cares, wants to create more opportunities, build more bridges which younger and future generations of alumni can look up to.
私の人生の最初の目標は、外国の外交官になること、そして何カ国語も話せるようになることでした。初めて日本を訪れたのは、シンガポールでNational Service(国民兵役)として働いているときでした。母親と一緒に1週間の休暇を過ごしたのです。日本人はとても親切で、コミュニティ精神が強く、温かい人たちだったことを覚えています。

フランス滞在、Sciences Po Franceでの留学生活
TIUでの生活は、私にいくつかの機会を与えてくれました。最初の2学期は順調で、国際関係論の基礎を学びました。時間が経つにつれて徐々に結果が明らかになり、JASSOの奨学金を得て、フランスのレンヌにある政治・行政を学ぶ有名な機関であるSciences Poに留学することができました。2018年1月から1年間、通い始めました。 そこでは、フランス社会の根底にあるもの、歴史、戦争、公共外交、フランス人が強く信じている価値観、つまり言論の自由について深く学びました。また、夜間は別の大学で学びました。CIREFFEレンヌ第2大学では、フランス語とフランス文化を勉強していました。夏には、そこでフランス語の集中講義を受けました。

次に、2年生の時、現地の代理店で2つのインターンシップを経験することができました。このエージェントは、日本人や外国人学生の就職やインターンシップを、海外と日本の両方でサポートしていました。そこで私は、日本のビジネスマナー、フォーマルな場での対応、日本のクライアントとの打ち合わせ、メール、電話、公式・非公式な場での細かい対応について学びました。このインターンシップを経験したことで、日本社会のビジネス基盤をもっと深く知りたいと思うようになりました。2つ目のインターンシップは、シンガポール日本留学生協会を通じて見つけたものです。https://door-to.asia/ / 詳しくは、リンク先をご覧ください。

ユニティ・テクノロジーズシンガポールのグローバル人材獲得チーム、 タレントソーサーとして 日本・シンガポールで働いています

Mr. Rahul Gupta‘s Professional Career: (Rahul Gupta さんプロフィール)
( https://unity.com/ )
Please do connect with me on my LinkedIn. I would be happy to answer all your questions, especially current TIU students who want to work for global companies and what it takes.
Rahul Gupta|LinkedIn
(Unityホームページ: https://unity.com/)
Rahul Gupta|LinkedIn