松尾謙一さん (1982年商学部卒業 小峰ゼミ ESS~ELI)


【Mr,Kenichi Matsuo‘s Profile】
  • Born June 1958 in Kagoshima City, Kumamoto City until high school, then moved to Tokyo to become a member of ICC.
  • Entered ICC (TIU) in April 1978.
  • Komine Seminar (Foreign Exchange, International Finance)
  • ESS~ELI (English Conversation Acquisition Debate Section Chief)
    I wanted to work in the trading department of a manufacturing company in the future, so I studied English Club, Foreign Exchange, and International Finance.
  • April 1982: Joined Ichikawa Co.,LTD
  • September 1987: Studied abroad in the U.S. (Monterey CA, Houston TX, Atlanta GA)
  • March 1988: Returned to Japan and was assigned to the Overseas Trade Department (thereafter, sales in 24 countries for 20 years until March 2007) After 20 years as a salaried employee, consulted with a board member to challenge an unknown job.
  • April 2008: Assigned to the Internal Audit Department (Appointed as General Manager of the Internal Audit Department in April 2004) Compliance training under management, audits of overseas sales companies, etc.
  • April 2018 While at Ichikawa, established the joint venture Matsu and hosted various events~. Organized various events and study groups in other industries, including a gathering of legendary executive producer Akira Imai, who created 196 Project X on NHK, vice president of the supporters’ association of legendary boxer Hiroyuki Sakamoto, and hosted a recital of a Japanese dancer and other events and study groups in other industries.
  • September 2021: Retired from Ichikawa Corporation and joined Security Service Co.


Former NHK executive producer Akira Imai hosts seminars and shares many inspiring experiences with his colleagues.


元プロボクサー 坂本博之氏

日本舞踊家 若柳尚雄里(なおゆり)氏


日本舞踊家 若柳尚雄里(なおゆり)氏


※大蔵流狂言師 善竹十郎 狂言を身近に感じるためのセミナー主催
1958年6月 鹿児島市生まれ、高校まで熊本市、大学から上京ICCの一員となる。
1978年4月 ICC(現TIU )入学 商学部14期生
ESS~ELI(英会話習得~Debate Section Chief)
1982年4月 市川毛織株式会社入社(現イチカワ株式会社)国内営業部配属
1987年9月 社内米国語学留学(モントレーCA、ヒューストンTX、アトランタGA)
1988年3月 帰国後海外営業部配属(以後2007年3月迄20年間、24か国で営業)
2008年4月 内部監査室配属(2004年4月から内部監査室長)
2018年4月 イチカワ在籍中に合同会社マツを設立し各種イベント主催~。
2021年9月 イチカワ株式会社後、警備保障勤務兼イベント主催を実施中


TIU 霞会シンガポール支部